Home / About the robotic arm for the injection molding machine

About the robotic arm for the injection molding machine

2022/12/25 By Topstar

robotic arm for the injection molding machine

Robotic arm for the injection molding machine

Robotic arms are a vital part of any injection molding machine. They can be used for several applications, from removing finished products from the molding machine and placing them on a conveyor belt to moving pallets around in storage sites. Injection molding machines have always been used in industrial environments because of their reliability. Still, recently there has been an increase in demand for this type of equipment due to its ability to produce high-quality parts with no human error.

Extract plastic parts from the injection molding machine

An injection molding machine is used to manufacture plastic parts. The robot arm extracts the plastic pieces from the injection machines and places them on a conveyor belt. In this way, it can be said that the robotic arm is an integral part of the injection molding machine production process.

There are different types of injection molding machines available in the market. Each type has its benefits and drawbacks. It is essential to understand these characteristics before making a purchase.

Industrial robot arm

A standard industrial robot arm comprises seven metal segments joined by six joints. The seventh segment is the gripper; the six joints are the shoulder, elbow, wrist, base, and gripper.

Standard industrial robot arms are designed for applications that expose them to dirt and other contaminants. They can be used in any environment but should not come into contact with water or liquid chemicals.

Rotary joints are known as rotary actuators or servo motors

Rotary joints are known as rotary actuators or servo motors. They can be used in robots to achieve different types of movement, such as rotation, flexion, and extension. There are two main kinds of rotary joints: ball screws and spindles.

Ball screws are powered by a motor that turns the screw shaft at a variable rate via an encoder, which measures speed and direction. This system is typically used for industrial automation where accuracy is paramount—it’s also used in medical devices like surgical robots because it’s easy to control the movement of the arm with precision and accuracy. Spindle joints use a cylinder surrounded by a set of gears instead of threads; this allows them to rotate more quickly than ball screws, but they’re less accurate due to their simplified design (which makes them cheaper). The main advantage here is their high torque capacity—you can attach larger payloads onto these motors than you would be able to with one powered by ball screw technology!

robotic arm for the injection molding machine

Tool changer, end actuator, and clamp

In addition to jointed robots, there are tool changers, end effectors, and grippers that can be attached to the end of a robotic arm.

Tool changers are used to switch between different tools on your CNC machine or injection molding machine. The most common types of tool changers include:

Rotary indexing heads that spin around the spindle of your device to change out your molds or tools; these are typically used for small or low-volume shops because they’re less expensive than rotary tables (see below) but can only accommodate one device at a time;

Rotary tables that have multiple slots and diameters set into them so you can swap out various molds or tools at once; this is typically what large industrial manufacturers use, but it isn’t ideal for small shops because it requires more space and more money upfront;

End effectors hold the tool during machining operations. Such as drilling holes into metal pieces or injecting plastic parts with molten liquid resin in an injection molding machine. End effectors come in all shapes and sizes, including clamping jaws which clamp onto small parts like screws and nuts, so they don’t fall off while being worked on by other machines in your shop. Vacuum grippers which suck onto large objects like wooden boards needing to be planed down when cutting them into smaller sections later down the line after milling them first with an electric saw blade spinning rapidly above ground level where workers stand safely positioned behind protective glass shields away from harm’s way!

The number of joints added to an arm does not increase its reach

In injection molding applications, the mechanical complexity of a robotic arm design is not just related to its spread. Also important is its payload capability, which is directly related to the number of joints in the arm.

For example, an arm with two joints has more than twice as much reach as a component with one joint. But it also has less than half as much payload capacity. In other words, if you try to make a machine. It can move 10 kg objects without the help of humans or external equipment (such as conveyor belts or forklifts). Then your best choice is to use an arm with only one joint instead of two. Because it allows you to move twice as many objects simultaneously and simultaneously because there are fewer moving parts (so there are fewer potential failure points), twice the force can be transmitted per second.


In this article, we saw the role of robotic arms in injection molding machines. We also discussed their benefits and their use in the manufacturing process.

The takeaway is that the robotic arm is an essential tool that can help you with your injection molding machine. It makes it easier for you to handle materials and move them around your manufacturing space.

We hope this article has helped you better understand how robotic arms work and why they’re so helpful!


If you are looking for the best mechanical arm for the injection molding machine, we suggest you contact us immediately. Topstar experts can help you choose the product that suits your needs and budget.

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