Home / Economist Zhou Qiren and the research team visited Topstar to explore the high-quality development of manufacturing

Economist Zhou Qiren and the research team visited Topstar to explore the high-quality development of manufacturing

2022/07/26 By topstar

Research team visits Topstar

The research team visits Topstar.

On July 15, a research group comprised Professor Zhou Qiren from the National Development Institute of Peking University. The Foshan Federation of Industry and Commerce leaders and Nanfang Daily visited Topstar. We conducted a research activity on “quality revolution” in 2022 and discussed the opportunities and challenges of enterprise development in the epidemic environment.

Research team visits Topstar

Professor Zhou Qiren gave instructions.

Professor Zhou Qiren is a professor of economics and former dean of the National Development Institute of Peking University. A renowned economist and a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank from 2010 to 2012.

Visited the exhibition hall and production workshop of the company and began to discuss

This time, the research team was accompanied by Mr. Wu Fengli, Chairman of Topstar. Visited the company’s exhibition hall and production workshop and started a discussion. During the visit, the research group showed great interest in Topstar’s industrial robots. Injection molding machines, CNC machine tools, and other core products, as well as the overall solution of the intelligent factory. At the symposium, Wu Fengli shared her entrepreneurial heart and story. We also discussed and communicated with the research team on the development model of manufacturing enterprises, global business layouts, overseas factory construction, etc.

Topstar was established in 2007, always adhering to the “make industrial manufacturing better” mission. Dedicated to the innovation and application of industrial intelligence. 2012, Topstar began to lay out the global market and has completed the layout of the worldwide customer relationship network with more than 30 international agents. Products are exported to Southeast Asia, Europe, and America. The products are exported to Southeast Asia, Europe, America, Africa, the Middle East, and more than 60 countries.

Professor Zhou Qiren fully affirmed Topstar’s positive practice of steadily expanding overseas markets under the uncertainty of external markets. And put forward higher expectations for the future development of Topstar.

In the future, Topstar will continue to cultivate the field of intelligent manufacturing. Grasp the new opportunities for developing China’s intelligent manufacturing. And continue to promote the globalization of the layout to achieve sustainable growth of the company’s scale and efficiency while helping to promote the “Made in China” to the world.

Research team visits Topstar

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